... metamorphosis during the life cycle. The most widely known metamorphosis is from caterpillar to butterfly. Often on the Playa, you will see people wearing wings to signify their individual ideal of personal transformation. With memories flooding back of my six transformational Burns, I reflect on the passing of Larry Harvey, the visionary and founder of Burning Man. Larry said,
“If you bring a little soul to the encounter, maybe you’ll see something you didn’t look for; maybe you’ll open your heart a little, and see things that you didn’t imagine.”
From a small gathering for a bonfire on Baker Beach to a global movement of the annual Black Rock City Burn and regional Burns on 5 continents, the transformational possibilities for any person who counts themselves a Burner (no matter how or where you participate) can and will effect all aspects of your life. The 10 Principles are wonderful and practical ideas that should be the foundation of our society from civic responsibility and communal effort to immediacy and radical inclusion. Sadly, the default world is disintegrating rapidly due to a loss of respect for the basic good. However, if each of us will make an effort to enact some or all of the 10 Principles every day, we can make the world a little better. The "Leave No Trace" principle inspires me to take a garbage bag to the beach when I surf.
Through the community of the Unintelligent Design Society, I found my creative self-expression. My dear friends, who opened their hearts, welcomed me into their camp and shared their creative energy, gave me the confidence to create an art piece for the Playa.
Impactful experiences come to each of us in different ways when you are in the moment on the Playa with Participation being key. Immediacy, is one of the Principles that asks to look within...
"...seek to overcome barriers that stand between us and a recognition of our inner selves, the reality of those around us, participation in society, and contact with a natural world exceeding human powers. "
From my experiences and friendships experienced on The Playa, as well as, the rest of the time in the Default World, I realized a transformation by exploring the wishes and desires of my inner self. By opening my heart and seeing alternatives to life that I previously could not imagine; I had the strength to redirect my life path. Ten years ago, I was preparing to go to my first Burn with the wonderful guidance of our group. If you had whispered in my ear then that just 10 years later in 2018, I would be where I am today... I would have laughed incredulously, though with a secret wish that I could attain what seemed unreachable dream.
Larry Harvey and his friends transformed a celebration of creativity, community and participation into a movement that inspires groups like Burners Without Borders, funds public art and other civic initiatives. They brought their soul to the encounter and the expansion of their imagination has impacted our culture and each one of us.
Christine, you express your depth and transformation with eloquence and vulnerable truth. I am touched reading this tribute to Larry and YourSelf. I am so grateful we shared that time together. Pure wonder. pure transformation. sure brought up a pandoras box didnt it!