As March wound down, fortunately so did the high decibel mating calls of the chicharras. The sunny, dry days where we awoke to this view....
In April, gave way to a morning view like this...
A fine layer of fog rising up from the jungle. It gave an air of mystery to the trees that surround our property. April also ushered in the "wet" season. There are 2 seasons here: wet and dry. We welcomed the rain that came in short, strong cloudbursts. The morning could start off sunny/dry and within an hour or so, dark clouds can gather to the southeast and move atop our region to the northwest. Usually an hour or so of deluge, sometimes the drops are so large, hard and fast that we can barely hear ourselves when we are inside the house. We have a metal roof with 12" of insulation, yet we have to stop watching a movie because the rain is so loud.
Now as April moved into May, the rainstorms are presaged by rolls of thunder. We often hear thunder in the distance for an hour or so before the rain. Thunder means lightening. The lightening storms are spectacular. There is sheet lightening, fork lightening, chain lightening. One night , there were 3 competing lightening storms around the Golfo. We had sheet lightening to the west, a thunderous storm to the north with forks striking the water over and over. The third lightening storm was deep in high thunderheads. The lightening flashes outlined the edges of the dark thunderheads in an electric orange.
I'm used to lightening storms. In Central Canada, up at our cottage, we can have intense lightening storms during the summer. They occur late in a humid afternoon and sometimes at night. Here, I often wake up just before dawn to flashes of lightening in the distance. The storms can roll in at almost any time, day or night. About 1 am this morning, there was a crack of thunder overhead that rolled out across the bay for several seconds.
All our friends say that this is an unusual April with the amount of rain. I ask if this is what November is like. November is the month with the most rain. I'm told that this is nothing compared with that. Yikes!